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Spending the Day Outside


Running a business can often feel like a very solitary pursuit. However, as with most things in life, having an experienced mentor that you can rely on is one of the most valuable resources available to business owners.

Most business owners looking for advice on how to grow their company have a limited number of resources to turn to. Sure, there are countless online articles and Ebooks on how to build and grow a business, but, at the end of the day, every business is unique and generic advice is hardly a suitable substitute for personalized guidance.

Thankfully, Life Coach 360 help business owners define their goals, polish their vision for their business, and set-in place a series of strategies that will help the owner achieve their goals and vision.

Whether your business is struggling, and you need a way to revive it or you simply want to take your brand to the next level, let Life Coach 360 help provide personalized guidance needed to make your organization a success.

Wandering Traveler

Career Coaching

Guidance & Inspiration

Are you currently at a standstill in your career or not sure of your career path? Let us help you create a clear path to reaching your ultimate career goals! Our team will provide you with the help, support, and direction you need to achieve the goals you have in mind.

Together, we will figure out what may be holding you back or the road blocks you may be facing currently. As your career coach, we help you establish realistic goals, discover solutions to challenges you may be up against, develop action plans, institute motivation, and build self-confidence.

Partnering with a career coach like us is an excellent way to have the one-on-one experience of:

  • Receiving personalized advice, support, and guidance when making career decisions.

  • Determining what steps to take and strategies to use.

  • Coming up with a customized plan that will keep you on track to accomplish what you set yourself out to do.

Career Coaching

Custom Branding Package

Plant a seed and watch it grow

Life Coach 360 will help you build a culture of accountability, trust, and togetherness. Our team will teach you the 6 essential leadership skills. We work with leaders to help them create immediate productivity and performance improvements by helping them identify and breakthrough blocks to leadership and communication that hold them and their team members back. We achieve this through our unequaled immersive courses, live virtual courses, self-paced organizational performance workshops (in-person or virtual instruction), coaching, business assessment, and consulting.


Gain Unparalleled Results

  • Proven Training that creates sustainable change

  • Improved Clarity and alignment of individual goals with organizational objectives

  • Interactive processes that drive individual, team and organizational growth.

  • Immediate and ongoing impact on behavior, productivity, and performance

Meditating on the Beach
Woman by the Water

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Are you people smart

Are you people smart or should we say are you emotionally intelligence (EI)? If yes, that is wonderful! If no, don’t stress, we can help you. Emotional intelligence is about becoming aware of our own emotions, in the moment, and the emotions of others, and using that information to manage ourselves and our relationships with others.

Life Coach 360 Emotional Intelligence Coaching offers a comprehensive set of EI skills to understand unspoken emotions and dynamics among individuals or groups. We will help you cultivate positive relationships personally and professionally. Which will help you become an effective leader, team member—or parent and spouse for that matter.

While cognitive intelligence (measured as IQ) is set at birth, research shows that emotional intelligence (measured as EQ) can be learned. What’s more, the research shows the best way to enhance emotional intelligence is to work with a coach. Life Coach 360 can help you both identify and manage your emotions with ease.

Emotional Intelligence Coaching

Social Media Coaching

Grow and built your brand

It is 2021 and everyone needs social media to survive and stay relevant nowadays. Whether you are a beginner on any social media platforms or an expert, we can help you. Using social media to build and grow a brand takes time, knowledge, and experience, which is where the role of a coach becomes vital for success.

As a social media coach, Life Coach 360 approach is focused on creating a purpose-driven narrative to attract the ideal followers of your clients/customers, instead of focusing efforts on vanity metrics that are only satisfying on paper – which does not actually help you understand your performance and impact your business goals. If you are looking for a social media coach to elevate your value and chances of success, while eliminating social media limiting beliefs along the way, Life Coach 360 has
the breadth of experience to get you there.

Social Distancing
Social Media Coaching

Public Speaking

Be Heard and Respected

Whether they show up on their own, or are sent by their companies, my public speaking clients all want the same thing: The ability to express their thoughts — confidently, clearly, and concisely. For some, this means speaking with less fear. For others, it means speaking with more focus.

Life Coach 360 will show you how to craft a speech, sales pitch, or wedding toast that you can deliver with pride. You will learn how to speak up in meetings (or run them!), hold difficult conversations, make small talk, and more.

NO matter your specific goals, Life Coach 360 will primarily show you how to acquire new skills, practice to perfect them, and increase the chance that you’ll be heard and respected whenever you speak, and whatever you speak about!

Public Speaking

Sales Training

Life is better when you meet sales quota

More than ever, sales teams are struggling with unqualified leads, missed sales goals, and lost opportunities. Increasingly, company and sales leaders are turning to coaching as a solution. Most salespeople say they want to make their numbers, but not many sales reps are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve those numbers. Improving your sales process starts with engaging one-on-one sales coaching with our team.

Learn the seven steps to achieving more sales.

Sales Training
Business Meeting

Business Group Coaching

There is no I in TEAM

Hire LF360 as your personal sales coach. We have been providing customized, one-on-one coaching for top producing salespeople since 2014. Currently, we can only take on a limited number of one-on- one coaching clients


Hire LF360 as your executive coach. We provide one-on-one leadership and management coaching to executives, regional sales managers, and business owners. This is for a select number of clients, so you will get our focused attention..

Hire LF360 to train your team. We have spent over 3,000 hours training in classrooms all over America. We will work with you to create custom-built, world-class training content for your team. Then, we will use proven techniques to deliver it so that it sticks.

Bring LF360 in as a consultant. Coaching and training are just the tip of the iceberg. Need better processes? Compensation plan lacking? Have the right team? Using shadowing and interviews, we diagnose what is holding back your business and help build a blueprint for success.

Book LF360 as a speaker. Looking for an experienced, energetic speaker for your association, corporation, or group of entrepreneurs? Life Coach 360 has been speaking professionally since 2014, We have been on over 400 stages, and we would love to stand on yours next

Business Coaching


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